New Service – Tax Rate Calculator

Are you stressed from piles of forms and spreadsheets that need to be updated with tax rate calculations? Designed to simplify and streamline your tax rate calculations, BIS is proud to announce our latest product: the Truth-in-Taxation Tax Rate Calculator.

This calculator eliminates manual calculations and performs the required tax rate calculations for the Truth-in-Taxation process.  This is a web-based, user-friendly application that produces the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheets and Notices for taxing units in Texas.

Does your office already have the BIS TNT web application? You are halfway there.  The Truth-in-Taxation Tax Rate Calculator can be bolted on, and used to populate the Tax Rate Information directly from the worksheets, removing the previously required manual updates. 

Contact us to turn on your Truth-in-Taxation Tax Rate Calculator.  Stay organized. Get automated. Use the BIS TNT Tax Rate Calculator.

Contact for pricing or to set up your account.