Marvin the Monkey

Head Monkey. Brand Warrior. Conversation Architect, Company Mascot.

Marvin was born at the Bronx zoo but was thrown out for spiking the Zebra’s water with rum.  He tried many professions including Magnolia Bakery.  Not only being allergic to Gluten, Marvin was only good at making Monkey bread.  The stress of the job caused his ankles to swell, and he could not enjoy his rollerblading hobbies.  Marvin decided to try a change in scenery and explore the country in a 1957 Volkswagen Van. Along with some Monkey business, self-medication, and Rick Steve’s travel books, Marvin found his way to Texas.  Marvin answered an ad for costume coordinator at BIS, and the rest is history.

Marvin gives off a “work hard and play hard” vibe to those around him through his tufted hair, relaxed expression, and sleek rims. His glasses are necessary for nearsightedness and shielding others from his pure awesomeness. Marvin is always hungry (bananas help), humble, and smart.

  • Dream day: Monkeying around at a conference then listening to jazz in a jacuzzi.
  • Hobbies: Marvin is a champion stand up paddleboarder, but he won’t brag about it; humility has always been his approach.
  • Favorite meal: Banana bread, any cocktail with peanuts on the side and banana splits.