A Pizza Buff and an IT Technician

Nathan Keith

Trekkie. Snow Plow Specialist. IT Technician.

Nathan started dismantling computers when he was 7. His interest in technology grew when he tinkered to improve his video game’s performance at 14. As an adult, Nathan has a scheduled Final Fantasy XIV MMO every Monday through Wednesday.

Nathan started getting paid for his interest in tech while working at IBM resetting passwords. Over the past 7 years at BIS, Nathan has grown to manage technical administration for over 100+ appraisal districts, including server installation, networking, security and client visits. Nathan appreciates the BIS family mentality, and his ability to work from home. He enjoys being busy, knowing that there is always plenty to do and learn.

  • Perfect day: A round of golf, video games and drinking, or doing nothing.
  • First concert: Tool in Colorado.
  • Favorite food: NY Strip steak, mashed potatoes and green beans.
  • Fun fact: Attended high school in Austria. (The one from Sound of Music; not the one with kangaroos).

Kurt Myers

Pizza Buff. Missionary. Chief Product Officer.

Kurt’s entrepreneurial journey started with his newspaper route in 5th grade. After saving up his own money to buy his dream Schwinn bike, the bike was stolen. Later entrepreneurial ventures proved less disappointing, like running his own CAMA software company. The company was good at developing software but not as good at GIS, networking, and hardware, which is where he met and started working with Brandon. Years later, Kurt was hired to bring his software genius to BIS.

Kurt uses his superpowers of consulting, building software and working with government companies in his role as Chief Product Officer.  Kurt laughs often, and is excited by the types of products BIS is building. His wild dream is, “to see BISOffice on every workstation in Texas!” Especially on client visits, he enjoys getting to know people, seeing their needs, and knowing that he can make their job better.

Kurt has a heart for the underserved. He currently volunteers with Journey to Dream, a north Texas non-profit dedicated to serving homeless teens. He has also been involved with Amazon Outreach: bringing the gospel and supplies to villages along the Amazon River in Brazil and Reach4Hope, a facility dedicated to mentoring kids in South Dallas and assisting with their homework.


  • Dream day: Hanging out with his adopted family in South Dallas.
  • First concert: Cat Stevens at age 16.
  • Favorite foods: Steak, Shakey’s thin crust pizza, chocolate cake with chocolate icing and peach pie with ice cream.
  • First job: Throwing newspapers and “Linhardt and Myers Lawn Business” in 5th grade.
  • Fun fact: Kurt has traveled to Brazil five times to spread the gospel to villagers along the Amazon River.